GG Lead Trumpet Backbore


The GG backbore has a clean “front” to the attacks and is a little wider in scope coming out of the bell. It produces an exciting lead sound but is also highly regarded by jazz players who use the full range of the trumpet. The resistance falls in between the RT2 & RT3. Bore: 27>29


Why is it called GG?

My first venture into the use of reverse taper backbores was in the late 1990’s while working on a project for Columbus trumpet player Grant Gilbert. Although a recreational player, Grant was always thinking of ways to make trumpet playing easier and more efficient. In his creative and inquisitive mind, everything was “on the table”. I soon discovered that what worked for Grant worked for almost everyone else as well. His ideas led to innovations in several commercial backbores in the Warburton line over the past twenty years. The GG backbore is the result of his last collaborative effort in helping me fine-tune my line of commercial backbores. Grant Gilbert lost his battle with Covid-19 in early 2022. His extraordinary contribution to the art of mouthpiece design will continue to help his fellow trumpet players long into the future.

S. Grant Gilbert